Van Nelle Fabriek:
Virtual TOUR

Van nelle Fabriek

The Van Nelle Fabriek is one of the most inspiring Architectural buildings of its time. Finalized in 1930, it became the home for Dutch coffee, tea and tabaco cigarette.

The factory building was futuristic for its time, no brick work, but concretepillars, the steel with glass sides gave the workers full daylight and a beautiful view. The building was also equipped with sports accommodations , like a tennis court. Today this architectural masterpiece is known as the UNESCO World heritage site; Van Nelle Fabriek.

The original scope of the project was to create a virtual tour to capture the Van Nelle Fabriek in 360º Being a wonderful place to share to with the world.

The project’s execution and final quality  has caught the eye of SGO and was featured as an example of the excellent software they produce here 



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